
24 July, 2012

Tell me about it! O/C 7-24-12

Well, I'm in need of information and polling the general populace of whoever sees my various profile sites seems to be the way to get it...

I would like to know about that time you met that special someone who was in a relationship already. I want to know if you asked them out; how you went about bringing up your interest; if you just let the opportunity slide by; if you decided to have some sort of polyamorous relationship; and most of all how everything made you feel.

The general information will be incorporated into a novel I'm writing, but no specific details. I will not be trading stories for monetary compensation, but I'm willing to draw, sew or write something on commission for anything I can't do without.

You can reach me here or check my profile for my other contact info.

Thanks, in advance!

16 July, 2012

Me, That's Who

Neffydd listened to the sharp "shhhhhhhich" of the sheers as she sliced another coupon out of the paper. It's nice to have friends who think of her every once-in-a-while; even if it is only to drop her a pamphlet of coupons. She sniffed.

Lately she'd been getting this ever sinking feeling that the people in her life didn't want her around so much as they needed her for a specific task that no one else could do. they seemed so surprised when she would refuse. So surprised that she stopped contacting them for company. Hmph.

The stress of her daily life was seriously getting to her, it had been for a while and the stresses showed no signs of letting up. No one wanted to be her confidante. No one wanted to listen to her whine about all the crap that had been flung at her or how she had no control over her own life, even though she was the only one paying the bills or hold her when she sobbed because she couldn't hold it together any longer.

No. She was in this alone and there was nothing she could do about it. So she did what she always did; what she suggested everyone else do. She sucked it the fuck up and got on with her shitty life. Who the hell else was going to get this shit done?

10 July, 2012

Out of Sync (This is why no one can see me.)

Neffydd had been noticing a disturbing recurrence of events, lately.

Occasionally people had difficulties finding her, no matter how glaringly obvious she was. Some of those times, despite deductive evidence that it was completely impossible to miss her, people just couldn't find her... and she would never see them looking.

It's not uncommon for one of her children to go looking for her and completely miss her. They're not very good at paying any type of attention to any type of thing at all.

However, when Warder Sullens was having a procedure at the local medical facility Neffydd sat in the only waiting room, in front of the only door, next to the only lifter reading her book for almost five hours before someone came to get her.

The elderly wood elf cast her gaze across the room, "Neffydd?" She looked confused.

"Yes...?" Neffydd was concerned that the two hour procedure had taken so long. Her mind was making up all manner of horrid things that could have happened.

"Where have you been?" The nurse sounded testy. "We've been looking for you. Sullens is getting ready to leave."

"What?" It was Neffydd's turn to be confused. "I've been sitting here the entire time."

"We sent someone to get you almost two hours ago." The older elf guided them to a lower floor and toward Sullens chamber, "It must have been while you were in the latrine or something."

"I've been 'holding it' so I wouldn't miss him." Neffydd replied darkly. "I was in that room the entire time."

"Well, I don't know then. There's only one entrance and exit to that department." The nurse parted the curtain to Sullens room and reunited them.

Neffydd mulled over how she could have missed seeing Sullens, on a padded gurney, attached to an IV bag and beeping monitors, in the company of a nurse, a technician and an orderly who were all actively looking for her.

Later that week, and again a few weeks later, she waited for public transit a extra ordinary amount of time before using her telecom to call for information. Both times she was told that her transport had come and gone, without seeing her at all.

Now, Neffydd is not reclusive, she doesn't wear washed out dark colors or pastels, she doesn't ignore things or people who pass by, she is not deaf or blind... Quite the opposite, in fact. Her wardrobe is of bright and often primary colors, she talks to random people for entertainment, she can hear a pin drop in a party and she only needs corrective lenses for reading.

How, then, is it possible to miss her standing on the side of the road, waiting patiently, bored out of her ever-loving mind? Sullens was even with her one of the times! A six-and-a-half foot demon, for goodness sake! The public transit workers have a lot to take care of while guiding a large caravan down busy streets. Sometimes they don't see the people waiting. But when Neffydd never sees, (or hears,) the transport pass, it means something is amiss.

These events seem to be recurring more frequently over the past few years. As a child, Neffydd was always good at finding places to hide and read a favorite novel. Children often are. As a young teen, she was shy and attributed her seeming invisibility to a lack of people who wanted to find her. In her later teens and early twenties Neffydd decided that the only reason she had for not having many friends was her lack of effort; so she changed her attitude. Now she literally knew hundreds of people, but even her closest friends, family and lovers occasionally lost her in plain sight.

Neffydd's working theory is that she has to make the effort to stay in sync with the rest of society. If she's not paying strict attention to being able to be found, she can't be. Unfortunately, just like Arthur Dent's ability to fly, if she's thinking about it even in the slightest, she re-syncs. Even if she's thinking about how to stay invisible.

She's been sat on while reading, stepped on in a theater, channel-changed while watching a telecast, jumped on while sleeping, glanced-through while working, bumped, banged, shoved, gossiped about, discussed, and so on. The only other remedy seems to be if someone knows exactly where she is, and she doesn't move an inch.

04 July, 2012

O/C 7/4/12

Hello Peoples!

I'm testing the waters for a Live-Write... Who would like to join me as I screw up English in fantastical ways?

Leave me a message here, on my G+ or my twitter... (Well, I'm sure you know how to find me!) Let me know what you think! Would you like to know what kinds of weirdo things go onto the page before you read them? :D